中国社会科学院哲学研究所是我国哲学学科的重要学术机构和研究中心。其前身是中国科学院哲学社会科学部哲学研究所。历任所长为潘梓年、许立群、邢贲思、汝信(兼)、陈筠泉、李景源、谢地坤。中华人民共和国成立前,全国没有专门的哲学研究机构。为了适应社会主义改造和建设事业发展的需要... ... <详情>
Professor David Archard
Dr. Nicholas Bunnin
Dr. David Coady
Professor Timothy O’Hagan
Professor Thomas Pogge
1. The examiners propose that the Summer School should offer a three-month visit to a university represented by a staff member of the session to Li Jian.
2. The examiners would gladly support proposals to study abroad concerning any of the top five members (listed in order of merit) 1. SHEN Jian; 2. LI Yan; 3. LI Jian; 4. WANG Yanqiu; 5. WANG Ge. Positive references will also be provided for other members with distinctions, and some of those marked satisfactory showed some of the capacities needed to study abroad as well.
3. Institutions of Members with Distinctions 12. Institute of Philosophy, CASS (3);
4. Institutions of Members having Satisfactory work 10: Renmin University of China (3); Sichuan University (3); Shandong University (2); Jilin University (2); Central University of the Minorities; China Women’s University; Chinese University of Mining and Technology; Institute of Philosophy, Shanxi ASS; Northwest University of Minorities; Xiamen University.
5. Marks by Examination Questions:
6. Auditors:
DING YI, Graduate School, CASS; GE SHAN, Renmin University of China; GUO PENG, Shandong University; JIA DING, Babson College; LI GUANGBO, Graduate School, CASS; LI ZHUOYAO, University of Tulsa; LIANG JIANWEI, Chinese University of Hong Kong; LIU YONGCHANG, Shanghai Maritime University; SUN JINFENG, University of Hong Kong; WANG ZHAOCHEN, Beijing Union Medical College Hospital; ZHUANG RUNZE (CHONG Yun-Chek), Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Six auditors submitted examination essays: Distinction: GUO Peng; LIANG Jianwei; SUN Jinfeng; ZHUANG Runze Satisfactory: GE Shan; WANG Zhaochen.
Professor David Archard
Dr. Nicholas Bunnin
Dr. David Coady
Professor Timothy O’Hagan
Professor Thomas Pogge
1. The examiners propose that the Summer School should offer a three-month visit to a university represented by a staff member of the session to Li Jian.
2. The examiners would gladly support proposals to study abroad concerning any of the top five members (listed in order of merit) 1. SHEN Jian; 2. LI Yan; 3. LI Jian; 4. WANG Yanqiu; 5. WANG Ge. Positive references will also be provided for other members with distinctions, and some of those marked satisfactory showed some of the capacities needed to study abroad as well.
3. Institutions of Members with Distinctions 12. Institute of Philosophy, CASS (3);
4. Institutions of Members having Satisfactory work 10: Renmin University of China (3); Sichuan University (3); Shandong University (2); Jilin University (2); Central University of the Minorities; China Women’s University; Chinese University of Mining and Technology; Institute of Philosophy, Shanxi ASS; Northwest University of Minorities; Xiamen University.
5. Marks by Examination Questions:
6. Auditors:
DING YI, Graduate School, CASS; GE SHAN, Renmin University of China; GUO PENG, Shandong University; JIA DING, Babson College; LI GUANGBO, Graduate School, CASS; LI ZHUOYAO, University of Tulsa; LIANG JIANWEI, Chinese University of Hong Kong; LIU YONGCHANG, Shanghai Maritime University; SUN JINFENG, University of Hong Kong; WANG ZHAOCHEN, Beijing Union Medical College Hospital; ZHUANG RUNZE (CHONG Yun-Chek), Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Six auditors submitted examination essays: Distinction: GUO Peng; LIANG Jianwei; SUN Jinfeng; ZHUANG Runze Satisfactory: GE Shan; WANG Zhaochen.